[Text on screen] These videos were made to celebrate and amplify young people's voices. As such, each one is voiced by a young person from within the Bingham network.

[Voiceover]: You may have heard the phrase “I know my rights!” in countless TV shows and movies. But do you know your rights?

Put simply, human rights should keep society fair, just and equal. They’re supposed to protect all of us.

In the UK our human rights are protected in a few different ways, but mostly by the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. Those rights include our rights to life, to liberty, to free speech, to a private life, to an education and several more.

However, not everyone gets to be educated about their rights. A 2018 report of the UK House of Lords said that young people learning about their rights is “in a parlous state.”

Public legal education in schools is lacking, and leaves many young people unaware of the extent of their rights. For instance, many didn’t realise their rights had been breached when, in 2020, they had their exam results downgraded by an opaque algorithm which seemed to target those in disadvantaged areas.

But after mounting pressure, the government eventually made a u-turn on this. Public legal education can help you grasp the understanding and knowledge of human rights.

[Text on screen]: “Defending human rights requires people to know their rights. Educating young people about their rights as part of their schooling would promote democracy while empowering young people as active members of society.”

This video was voiced by Josephine Gillingwater.
Education, Young People

Why do we need public legal education?

Published on 21 Jun 2022

In partnership with The Bingham Centre, we’ve made a brand new series of videos that explores the importance of public legal education for young people, particularly as it relates to the Rule of Law.

A 2018 report of the UK House of Lords said that young people learning about their rights is “in a parlous state.” Many believe that public legal education in schools is lacking, and leaves many young people unaware of the extent of their rights. If more young people can be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to be active citizens, they can feel more empowered to do so. We, along with The Bingham Centre, hope these videos can be a stepping-off point for many young people to further their public legal education and learn more about their rights.

The second video in the series dives into public legal education, and why we need it!

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