The right to protection from discrimination explained in 2 minutes!

[Text on screen]: Freedom from discrimination. Article 14 of the Human Rights Act.

We have a right to be treated equally. You cannot be denied your rights because of your gender, race, religion...anything!

What does the Human Rights Act officially say?

The Human Rights Act states that anyone can enjoy their rights “without discrimination on any ground, such as sex, race, colour ,language, religion, birth or other status.”

But what exactly does it mean?

Basically, discrimination means being treated less favourably than another person in a similar position to you.

But being treated the same can be discriminatory in some situations, such as if you are pregnant or disabled.

Article 14 also protects us from indirect discrimination. If a rule or policy is suppose to apply to everyone equally but puts one or more groups at a disadvantage, this may be indirect discrimination.

No matter who we are or where we come from, we should all have access to the rights in the Human Rights Act.

Here are three key examples of what it does for us:

1. The armed forces can’t be anti- gay (Smith & Grady case, 1999)
2. Foster care allowance can’t be discriminatory based on family relation (R v Manchester City Council, 2001)
3. Our rights are protected no matter who you are (Ghaidan case, 2004)

No one should be treated differently based on who they are, where they come from or what they believe.

Learn more about your rights at

The right to protection from discrimination explained in 2 minutes!

Published on 22 Feb 2022

This video is about Article 14 of the HRA which is protection from discrimination. This right means we cannot be treated less favourably to someone else due to our personal circumstances.

The Human Rights Act  (HRA) is central to ensuring we can all live a safe and secure life. It sets out a range of principles that the government, and public bodies, must follow and uphold for all of us. If they fail to follow them, we have the ability to take our case to a UK court and, if our rights have been violated, we may be fairly compensated. The Human Rights Act has given us the ability to stand up to those in power.

But the Human Rights Act is under threat.

The government has announced plans to reform the HRA into a new British Bill of Rights, which lawyers and campaigners are concerned will shift more power in favour of the government, and weaken the protections we have available to us. We need to ensure that human rights are accessible and available for everyone, but we may risk losing those protections if the government’s reform comes into effect.

This video is part of a wider series showcasing the protections the HRA provides us and why they are so important in our daily lives. We’ve also curated a week of written content surrounding the proposed reform of the HRA so that you can stay informed and up to date on the latest developments.

Want to learn more? Head on over to our spotlight to read more on the proposals to the HRA. You can find more videos in this HRA series in our YouTube playlist. 

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