
EachOther Taught Me That Creativity Can Be Used To Stand Up For Our Rights

By Samara Acheampong, Editorial Intern and BA Sociology & Politics Student at Goldsmiths, University of London. 25 Jun 2024
Education, Workplace, Young People

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When I asked EachOther if I could complete a short work placement with them I did not know what to expect, but my time with them has exceeded all my expectations. From working behind the scenes on editorial, sending emails to working with international companies on campaigns, I have received a well-rounded experience of what it’s like to work in a Human Rights charity. 

I was able to work on national campaigns

I was made aware of EachOther through my completion of the Goldsmiths, University of London Immigration Law & Policy Clinic hosted by the Law Department. EachOther works in collaboration with Goldsmiths to provide the Storytellers Programme, which is exclusive to Law students. As a Sociology & Politics student, I wanted to get involved with EachOther’s work but didn’t know how, so I contacted them directly to get a placement of some sort organised. 

I started my placement being thrown head-first into the LUSH ‘Human Rights’ Campaign, helping out with the stunt outside the Houses of Parliament. This day was by far the best, and what a way to start the placement indeed. 

Working on the campaign gave me all the necessary resources to create EachOther’s new TikTok account. Creating, editing and publishing the content was a joy to do, and to be a part of extending EachOther’s voice across a new platform was even better. I knew it would be a really good way for both the campaign and the charity to reach new levels of engagement, and it’s done exactly that. Thankfully, I already had relevant experience regarding social media management, but it was a real achievement for EachOther to trust me enough to make this step for them. 

Contacting news desks and politicians made me aware of great connections close to home

When I asked to work with EachOther, I asked them if they could show me every aspect of what it’s like to be in their line of work. Not only was I lucky enough to see what working out in the field was like, but I also received an excellent understanding of the analytical aspects of the position. I spent many of my placement hours writing and sending emails to local authorities and local decision makers – it was all a part of the learning process. It aided me with my formal writing, as well as learning about all the amazing opportunities that EachOther has to offer such as events, talks, and campaigns to name a few. With the help of EachOther, I was able to contact news desks and politicians – making me aware of great connections close to home. 

The most exciting and fulfilling part of my time with EachOther was the ability to write and publish my own article. As a part of the Immigration Law & Policy Clinic, EachOther gave me the offer to create an article concerning immigration to be published. I have given my all with this opportunity, making connections with political contacts and other charities to help with the writing of this story. I decided to focus on the links and effects of the government’s responses to Immigration in accordance with the Social Housing Crisis, something both British and non-British citizens can relate to. 

Working with EachOther has not only provided me with transferable skills to take into my new endeavours but also the confidence to stand for what I believe in. This experience has taught me about the severity of Human Rights, but also how creativity can argue for equality. 

About The Author

Samara Acheampong Editorial Intern and BA Sociology & Politics Student at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Samara is currently a second-year university student who has always had a passion for Human Rights. She was an Equality & Diversity Ambassador from September 2021 - May 2022, as well as work she did with the local community surrounding anti-racism education to staff in secondary schools. At present, she takes on the roles of Student Ambassador at Goldsmiths UoL, Student Representative for the Politics Department and Media Outreach Officer & Treasurer of the Goldsmiths Labour Society. In June 2023, she completed the ‘Athens Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU Summer School’, and most recently she received an acknowledgement from the Goldsmiths Law Department for completion of the Immigration Law and Policy Clinic.

Samara is currently a second-year university student who has always had a passion for Human Rights. She was an Equality & Diversity Ambassador from September 2021 - May 2022, as well as work she did with the local community surrounding anti-racism education to staff in secondary schools. At present, she takes on the roles of Student Ambassador at Goldsmiths UoL, Student Representative for the Politics Department and Media Outreach Officer & Treasurer of the Goldsmiths Labour Society. In June 2023, she completed the ‘Athens Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice: Britain, Greece and the EU Summer School’, and most recently she received an acknowledgement from the Goldsmiths Law Department for completion of the Immigration Law and Policy Clinic.

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