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Don’t Make Human Rights A Dirty Word

Over the last decade, the UK government has proposed withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) – which is now a genuine threat. In January 2024, Siofra O’Leary, president of the ECHR issued a warning to the Prime Minister that he would be breaking international human rights law if the government ignored orders from the court not to send asylum seekers to Rwanda.

In the last five years, the UK has witnessed an increase in threats to minimise, remove or replace human rights laws in the UK – by the government. These are laws that currently protect all of our day-to-day lives and are there as a safety net should we ever need them.

As we move nearer to a General Election, misinformation, damaging rhetoric and threats to withdraw from the ECHR are ever-present. Now, it is as vital as ever to protect each other’s rights – but to do that we need your support.

EachOther and LUSH have partnered to deliver a national campaign on human rights education and awareness ahead of an upcoming general election. The campaign ‘Don’t Make Human Rights A Dirty Word’ has swept high streets across the nation and sets out to survey the public on perceptions of human rights, tackle misinformation via a briefing paper and see’s ‘Human Rights’, a product designed for the campaign, go on sale across the UK.

In the next 5 minutes you can have your voice heard and help shape the future of human rights in the UK.

Take The Survey Today.

From our Editor...
The majority of the public (two-thirds) say they have little or no confidence that they have a say on the decisions made by the government – this is a growing concern for decision making on human rights issues in the UK. Over the past four years, human rights have increasingly been presented in a negative light. The way we talk about certain issues is important because it can be used for political gain, to fuel misinformation or to misrepresent something or someone. Today is the start of reminding ourselves that collectively, we can recognise our rights, invoke them and continue to educate each other about them – to protect them for future generations. - Emma Guy, Editor in Chief.

Take The Survey Today

In the next 5 minutes you can have your voice heard and help shape the future of human rights in the UK.