[Text on screen]; These videos were made to celebrate and amplify young people's voices. As such, each one is voiced by a young person from within the Bingham network.

[Voiceover]: Young people often face barriers to participate in life the same way older people do.

Their opinions aren’t considered as much, they may lack the same level of financial knowledge and it may just be harder for them to get on the career ladder.

But here are two great ways that young people can be empowered to take a more active role in society:

One is representation. . If young people can see their peers getting a seat at the table, helping make important decisions, reporting on issues that affect them, it can give them diverse role models to look up to. Not only that, but it can change the way society views young people, if they are shown to be in these more powerful roles.

Along with this, public legal education is a must. If more young people can be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to be active citizens, they feel more empowered to do so.

These combined can create a new cycle of positive representation and inspiration.

[Text on screen]: Voiced by Isabella Taylor. "Everyone is a stakeholder in the rule of law, and public legal education teaches us what that actually means. It makes abstract ideas about rights tangible so people can genuinely rely on them. Encouraging a wider understanding of the rule of law will diversify voices in public law and improve representation, a vital outcome of public legal education with far-reaching benefits.'

Education, Young People

Why positive representation is important for young people

Published on 22 Jun 2022

We’ve made a series of videos that explores the importance of public legal education for young people, particularly as it relates to the Rule of Law. In this video, made in partnership with The Bingham Centre, we look at why positive representation is important for young people when it comes to their interest in public legal education.

A 2018 report of the UK House of Lords said that young people learning about their rights is “in a parlous state.” Many believe that public legal education in schools is lacking, and leaves many young people unaware of the extent of their rights. If more young people can be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to be active citizens, they can feel more empowered to do so. We, along with The Bingham Centre, hope these videos can be a stepping-off point for many young people to further their public legal education and learn more about their rights.

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