Education, Race

The Panel: ‘Excluded’

Published on 11 Dec 2020

On 10th December, Human Rights Day, we launched our first long-form documentary ‘Excluded’. In it, we hear exclusively from those most affected by school exclusions: young people – who share their stories and views on this complex human rights issue.To continue the conversation around the issues covered in ‘Excluded’, we held a live-streamed panel discussion.

The panel was chaired by youth activist Betty Mayo, an alumnus of social justice charity the Advocacy Academy, who features in our documentary and helped shape it.

Among the panelists was Natalia Morgan, from the No Lost Causes campaign group which also forms a key part of our film. We were also joined by Glasgow City Council’s education director Maureen McKenna, who set up the ‘Nurture programme’ credited with drastically reducing school exclusions; and Dr Halima Begum, director of race equality charity the Runnymede Trust.

Want to learn more about school exclusions? Check out our spotlight page, created to tie in with the release of ‘Excluded’.

Keep up to date with our videos by subscribing to our YouTube account and always getting the first viewing of any video we launch.

If you want to use this film as a resource in presentations or teaching – please get in touch with us and we can send you a high-definition version. You can also use it from YouTube, we are very happy for it to be used but we need to know how it’s being used for our reporting on this project. Email us to find out more.

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