The ‘Snoopers’ Charter’ has been passed and the parties in the Brexit case are gearing up to take their arguments to the Supreme Court. Here is a summary of all the week’s human rights news!
Human rights in the news
- Ireland offers £25,000 to woman forced to have abortion in the UK [Independent]
- Upcoming Supreme Court decision on Brexit [The Telegraph]
- Victims coming forward in the football child sex abuse scandal [The Telegraph]
- Household brands contain palm oil produced by child labour [Independent]
The week at RightsInfo
- Brexit In The Supreme Court: Everything You Need To Know In Plain English [RightsInfo]
- The Government Just Got Hugely Increased Data Spying Powers [RightsInfo]
- Government Withdraws 500% Hike In Immigration And Asylum Appeal Fees [RightsInfo]
- A Powerful Animation On A World Without Fair Trials [RightsInfo]
The best of Twitter @rights_info
This is brilliantly simple
— Kate Wins (@Katered1111) December 4, 2016
@CloughOlive @finchly I'm sure you know these points already but wanted to share this with you in case not seen it yet, as just so good! K
— Kate (@Beerinwitsout) December 3, 2016
@rights_info is on point making fair trials their FB right of the week! Today's article: Secret Trials. #rightsinfo
— Michelle Coleman (@coleman2016) December 2, 2016
Quotes of the week
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