EachOther are a small digital journalism charity and a creative agency specialising in work with third sector and charitable organisations. Our speciality is understanding the language of rights and the particular challenges of making work about difficult subjects.
We have been commissioned by organisations such as Liberty, The Bar Council, Traveller Movement, Bail for Immigration Detainees, The English Collective of Prostitutes, The Equality Trust, The EHRC, The Council of Europe, The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, the Public Law Project and Young Citizens.
We create the content to fit your campaign, whether its films, animation projects, digital animation, stop motion animation, illustrator-animation, comic books or motion graphics. We work with young early career animators and illustrators, wherever possible ensuring that under-representated groups and artists are platformed. We’ve regularly been official selections at film festivals.
Some of the places we’ve featured as official selections
We understand exactly the kinds of messaging you need – whether you’re a charity, a non-profit or an education organisation.
We can help you create films to start conversations.
Whether you need to create something for a new campaign, enable your audience to access resources or tell people about your events – nothing gets your message over faster than a video.
We love to put the human story at the heart of all our films, we might be a tiny team but we’ve huge ideas! We’ve a proven track record in producing high-quality, high-impact films and animations. We also know how to run successful campaigns that have real impact and can help you do it too!
We’ve been commissioned by large and small organisations – see some we made earlier… watch our showreel below!
If you’d like to find out what we can do for you, email us at: info@eachother.org.uk