Political turmoil this week as leadership challenges afflict the UK’s major political parties following the vote for Brexit. Conservative leadership candidate Theresa May declared she would not withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights, while Government proposals for a ‘British Bill of Rights’ continue to stall.
Human rights in the news
- Home Secretary Theresa May launched her campaign for Conservative Party leadership, stating that she will not try to take the UK out of the European Convention on Human Rights [Express] [RightsInfo]
- The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has expressed serious concerns about growing inequality due to austerity measures [Independent]
- The Conservative party’s human rights commission recommends that the UK rethink its ‘friendship’ with China following a reported crackdown on human rights lawyers, booksellers and journalists by Chinese authorities [Guardian]
- The Scottish Parliament has argued that evicting Scottish independence campaigners camping outside Holyrood (the seat of the Scottish Parliament) would not breach human rights [BBC]
- Presumptive Republican nominee for the US Presidency, Donald Trump, expressed renewed support for the use of torture techniques such as waterboarding to combat the threat of terrorism [Guardian]
And on RightsInfo
- Five Lessons We Urgently Need To Learn From The Remain Camp’s Failure [RightsInfo]
- 9-Year Murder Trial Delays Breached Human Rights, Says European Court [RightsInfo]
- Supreme Court Rules On Important Migrants’ Discrimination Case [RightsInfo]
- Fresh Calls For Independent Inquiry Into UK Rendition And Torture [RightsInfo]
- Gendercide: Do Sex-Selective Abortions Breach Human Rights? [RightsInfo]
- Opinion: Why We Should Not Use Evidence Obtained By Torture [RightsInfo]
- 8 Years Since Massive Mass Surveillance Case [RightsInfo]
This week in the Twitter-verse
Stopping info! 70% of reporting about #humanrights in the UK is from a negative standpoint. England 80% @rights_info https://t.co/H8t5puAS32
— Jukka Viljanen (@ViljanenJukka) July 1, 2016
We've joined @AmnestyUK, @FreefromTorture & @Reprieve in calling for a judicial inquiry into UK role in torture https://t.co/09Hpgd9mti
— Liberty (@libertyhq) June 29, 2016
Great way to spend 30 mins: Law in Action on Brexit implications, with @JoshuaRozenberg @ProfMarkElliott @StevePeers https://t.co/pMZkWGkAYy
— RightsInfo (@rights_info) June 28, 2016
Human rights quotes of the week
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