EachOther is delighted to welcome Andy Hull as our new chief executive, who will play a key role in taking the charity forward.
Andy has more than a decade of experience championing human rights among policy makers in the public sector.
He has also worked for the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, which highlights the importance of connection and kindness.
He joins EachOther after spending the past six years on the London Borough of Islington council’s cabinet, leading its groundbreaking work to tackle poverty and reduce inequality.
“EachOther’s brilliant storytelling makes clear there’s more that connects than divides us, inspiring people to think again about human rights,” said Andy.
“It makes the connections between universal principles and everyday experience. I’m thrilled to join EachOther’s talented team, standing up, full of hope, for the rights that protect us all.”

Resident video producer Jack Satchell on a shoot. Credit: EachOther
Adam Wagner, EachOther’s founder and chair of the board of trustees, said: “We are delighted to have appointed Andy Hull as our new CEO.
“With the impending attacks to the Human Rights Act and other ways people can hold public authorities to account, Andy has the right experience and passion to lead EachOther’s important work in inspiring people to think again about human rights.”
Follow Andy on Twitter @AndyHull79