Our social media house rules

We value freedom of speech on our digital spaces very highly. However, we don’t want our websites becoming a place for trolls, spammers or bullies. We want to ensure we foster a safe, open, friendly space where everyone feels free to express their opinions on the issues that matter to them but always respecting other people in or around those conversations.

Please respect other users and do not launch personal attacks on them, the author of an article or the EachOther team.

Be kind – this is the bedrock of our work.

In joining our discussion forums you are agreeing that you will not post material, or links to material, which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, harmful, inaccurate, abusive, extremist, hateful, harassing, obscene, threatening, racially offensive, lewd, pornographic, in violation of intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality, or rights of privacy, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You must not post messages that are vulgar, crude, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise discriminatory and/or offensive.

Our moderators will be looking out for:

  • Posting a message with the intention of committing an illegal act or describing violent intentions towards other people and organisations is strictly prohibited.
  • Please refrain from swearing, dragging conversations off-topic or holding personal conversations in general discussions.
  • Please do not post anything which some people may find distressing, such as images/videos of graphic violence.
  • Please do not post messages, blog posts, photos or videos in another language. We are unable to be sure of its suitability for younger visitors and will delete it.
  • Please do not spam or flood the debate and discuss area. Don’t post the same comment to more than one conversation or more than once.
  • Avoid off-topic material.

If discussions go off topic, begin to show signs of racism, sexism, homophobic or transphobic language or are otherwise discriminatory – we will hide, mute and in some cases delete comments.

If you ignore our house rules, we will remove you from our social media spaces without warning.

Please note that failure to remove particular material does not constitute an endorsement or acceptance of it by us.

If you are under 18, do get a parent or guardian’s permission before taking part in the EachOther community. Never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example, telephone number, your full name, home address or email addresses).

In short, treat everyone with the respect you’d like to be treated with yourself.




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