What happens when the police don’t believe victims?

The Supreme Court is hearing a landmark appeal about how police treat victims of rape. Two women used the Human Rights Act to sue the Met Police for damages. John Worboys was a taxi driver who drugged victims in his car and then raped them. The police failed to listen to his victims' complaints or investigate victims’ reports for 6 years. The court ruled police breached their human rights. The law says police must investigate allegations by victims of inhuman treatment.

Human rights law protects individuals from unlawful state action.

The police are now appealing, arguing they shouldn't be held responsible in law for the failings. The Supreme Court will decide whether they are right or wrong.
Institutions, Justice

How does the Human Rights Act protect victims and survivors of crime?

Published on 29 Nov 2019

We have a duty as a civil society to listen to one another carefully and honestly.

When victims of sexual abuse go unheard, we risk spiraling down a dangerous path of injustice. Protestors are rallying against the inaction of the Metropolitan Police over two victims of rape, despite them reporting to the police for 5 years.

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